All Australia Articles
Contractors will use a revised construction method to build the over-water section of a 2.6km viaduct
Two Australia-based contractors are contending for a billion-dollar hospital build contract
UFR’s solutions are based on a common autonomy platform
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said SunCable’s flagship Australia-Asia power link project would help meet growing demand for renewable energy at home and abroad
Construction started on a redevelopment project at Perth Airport in Western Australia
South Australia selected a consortium to finish its ‘largest infrastructure project’, which is ahead of schedule
Government officials said initial tenders were released for a US$17 billion rail project
Custom excavator equipped with Trimble machine control software key part of project
Comprising the first tunnel drilled under Sydney Harbour and Australia’s biggest station cavern, Australia’s biggest public transport project, has navigated huge technical challenges, a global pandemic, industrial action and floods of epic proportions.
A Cimic Group firm will work on a set of Australian tram projects
Engineering and construction firm DT Infrastructure and rolling stock and signalling specialist Alstom have won an A$1 billion (US$1.1 billion) deal to replace the existing signalling and train control systems in Perth, Western Australia
An Australian government minister has asked the federal police to investigate allegations of corruption against the construction division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU)
A consortium of contractors is in pole position to undertake the second tunnelling contract for the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) East in Melbourne, Australia
A contractor is using remote controlled excavators for major Sydney Metro work
Briggs & Stratton worked with a robotics company on its demolition robots
Construction of Southern Hemisphere’s largest windfarm started in June
Sydney Metro project moves step forward as Ghella and CPB Contractors reach major tunnelling milestone
CPB, part of Hochtief-owned CIMIC Group, has won a second construction package for work at Melbourne Airport
Pacific Partnerships, a subsidiary of Hochtief-owned Cimic Group is to build one of the largest solar farms in Australia
Thiess completed the acquisition of a mining company